Is JUPEB better than IJMB

Is JUPEB better than IJMB? JUPEB vs IJMB

Is JUPEB better than IJMB JUPEB vs IJMB

Hello, welcome to Miratem Academy in today’s content we will be showing you the difference between JUPEB and IJMB and also showing you which is better between JUPEB and IJMB.

Please don’t in any way skip any part of this content as we proceed.

Today in Nigeria many people have failed to pursue thier dream course because of one issue or the other.

One of the reasons is because of they didn’t make up to the cut off mark for that particular course or programme.

Joint Admission and Matriculation Board is a board that oversees all entrance examination into tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Basically they are four (4) entrance examination into various tertiary institutions in Nigeria these exams are:

UTME(Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination popularly referred to as JAMB)

JUPEB (Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board)

IJMB(Interim Joint Matriculation Board)

Post Utme (Post JAMB)Today we will only be discussing about JUPEB AND IJMB.

Now let’s dive into the main content.

Related Article: List of universities that accepts IJMB results

What is JUPEB?

Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board Popularly known as JUPEB is a one year pre-degree program(Direct entry) offered by various universities in Nigeria.

It is an advanced level program(A’level). It was established in 2013 which incorporates 10 universities in Nigeria.

The program prepares direct entry students into the second year of their chosen degree.

This program is for students who failed to seek their dream course because through JAMB.

JUPEB syllabus are similar to that of JAMB and it includes subjects relevant to your intended course of study.

Related Article: List of universities that accepts JUPEB

What is IJMB?

Interim Joint Matriculation Board Popularly known as IJMB is also a one year program designed to prepare students for direct entry examination into the second year of their chosen degree.

It was established in 1976 serving as an alternative to JAMB.

The program is an advanced level examination and it’s approved by some universities in Nigeria.

IJMB is approved and recognised t the National University Commission but not all universities in Nigeria accepts it.

IJMB examination consists of only three subjects including general Studies.

They also make use of similar syllabus with JAMB.

Similarities between IJMB AND JUPEB

IJMB and JUPEB have certain things in common as both are referred to as Direct entry examination.

Below are the similarities between the two.

  1. Both are Accredited by the Nigerian University council as advanced level programmes for direct entry admission into 200 level.
  2. Both programmes run within one year that is between 9-12 months.
  3. Both Are advanced level programmes and are only for direct entry students
  4. Both JUPEB and IJMB offers you admission into 200 level of any course into various universities in Nigeria.

Difference between JUPEB(Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board) and IJMB(Interim Joint Matriculation Board)

Even though JUPEB and IJMB are both direct entry programmes but that doesn’t mean the two programmes are the same.

In this article I will outline the difference between the two programmes in a tabular form.

JUPEB is being moderated by the University of Lagos(UNILAG)IJMB is under the control of the Ahmadu Bello University
JUPEB examinations are basically objective examsIJMB questions are theory based questions except for economics
JUPEB have different subject combinations depending on your choice of course and choice of institutionBut IJMB consists of three core subjects
Admissions into JUPEB Programmes are handled by participating Universities. Each university have their own specific requirementsAdmission into IJMB is only approved by accredited IJMB study centers
JUPEB is more popular and widely accepted by most universities in NigeriaIJMB is recognised by few universities in Nigeria
The fees of JUPEB Ranges between ₦150,000 to ₦500,000IJMB Cost ₦70,000 in Public Centres and ₦180,000 in some private universities
JUPEB is conducted May, June or early July.IJMB exams are conducted late January or February

Is JUPEB better than IJMB?

If you have been following this content from the beginning you would have noted the differences between the two programmes.

Now it’s time to know which is better.

As we know now that both programmes are for direct entry students into 200 level and also they are advanced level programmes and are not for undergraduates.

Considering which is better between the two we need to consider alot of things.

  1. The university you’re applying for. For example IJMB is not accepted in University of Lagos and some other universities in Nigeria the same applies to JUPEB also as JUPEB is not accepted by Ahmadu Below university and few other universities in Nigeria. So before applying you need to check if you’re university accepts any of the programme
  2. JUPEB programmes are controlled by participating Universities which means each university that accepts JUPEB have their own specific requirements unlike IJMB that have a fixed requirements for all approved centres.
  3. IJMB delays in admitting students into various departments and faculties unlike JUPEB
  4. JUPEB is much more expensive than IJMB
  5. JUPEB is basically an objective examination while most of the questions in IJMB exams are theory based.

Now from this following points am sure you must have chosen which is best for you.

As it’s a matter of choice.

Now if you have confirmed that your University is aspiring for accepts both programmes I will advice you to go for JUPEB that’s if the university you’re aspiring for accepts both JUPEB and IJMB.

How many years is JUPEB and IJMB programme?

JUPEB and IJMB programme is just a one year program.

Is JUPEB Harder than IJMB?

Both programmes are difficult considering they are both A level programmes.

JUPEB examination questions are basically objective based but for IJMB they are theory based questions.

If you have been following this article upto this extent you should have known the difference between the two programmes and also the best between the two.

Thanks for reading if you have any question don’t hesitate to drop them in the comment section below.

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