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AFIT Cut-Off Mark For 2023/2024

Airforce Institute of Technology (AFIT) has made its cut-off mark public for interested students. Those who are seeking to get admitted into AFIT are to know that the school cut-off mark is now out. 


AFIT is one of the most reputable technology schools in the country and it has been the dream of so many students. Airforce Institute of Technology is a military that was founded in 1977 as TSS, it was later renamed to AFIT in 2008. The school is located in Kawo, Kano state, Nigeria. If you wish to gain admission into the school, you would have to meet or score above the cut-off mark set by the school. 


A cut-off mark is a specific grade set as a standard for potential students who wish to be admitted into the school. Once you meet the cut-off mark, you can apply for any course or programme of your choice. 

AFIT Cut-Off Mark For 2024/2025

The Airforce Institute of Technology (AFIT) cut-off mark is now out. The current general cut-off mark for AFIT is 180. Those who scored 180 and above and who made the school their first choice are invited by the school to get admission into their various departments. 


Those who scored 180 and above are eligible to apply to study any course of their choice at the university. Those who scored below 180 are not eligible for admission into the school. 

AFIT Departmental Cut-Off Mark

Apart from the normal school cut-off mark, the departments also have their cut-off marks. 


The cut-off marks usually vary depending on the standards set by the department. 


However, the cut-off mark by the department cannot be lowered by the cut-off set by the school, it can be the same cut-off mark or higher. Several factors can influence the departmental cut-off marks. 


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